Thousands of Dammetjies in gardens in South Africa and Australia
Since being launched in 2004 thousands of Dammetjies have been planted in gardens both in South Africa and Australia.
They are being used around rose bushes, shrubs of every description, saplings, fruit trees and even vegetables and in herb gardens.
One enthusiastic gardener in Hillcrest outside Durban in South Africa has 340 Dammetjies around her flourishing rose bushes.
The gardener (name on request) says not only do Dammetjies save on her water bill, but also much time in watering and feeding her huge rose garden. The saving on fertilizer is also significant, she says.
Another big plus for her is that she instructs her gardener to fill up the dammetjies once or twice a week, depending on weather conditions, and then knows with confidence that her roses have had the right amount of water.
It is also worth remembering that giving plants too much water is as bad for them as is a drought.
Dammetjies are also ideal when planting on ground that is uneven or on sloping ground as they prevent run-off to areas where water in not required.
Another big plus factor is that they keep out the grass and ground covers that are attracted by regular watering and which compete for the available water.
A lot of gardeners use mechanical grass cutters and the beauty about Dammetjies, unlike other products on the market, is that they are not damaged by the action of the nylon cord used to cut the grass. This means you can cut right up close for that neat and tidy look.
Dammetjies are manufactured from high quality polypropylene that has been UV stabilised. This means they are not damaged by the action of the sun and the manufacturers give a 10-year quality warranty to this effect.
Something else to consider is that some gardeners don�t like the thought of plastic objects in their gardens. For this reason Dammetjies are manufactured in a mud brown colour that makes them unobtrusive and barely visible in the garden, especially when foliage starts to cover them.
For all sales, local and overseas, contact:
Heinrich Süllwald
Waldo Plastics (Pty) Ltd
PO Box 152
Fax: 086 645 3043
Telephones: +27 (0)11 474 1909
Mobile: +27 (0)72 355 3539